Anti-Trafficking Community Training
In mid-July, we sponsored a three-day anti-trafficking community seminar to train community leaders on how to identify, address, and prevent trafficking cases. In addition to caring for victims of trafficking, we work to reduce these instances, and training seminars such as this one go a long way toward achieving that goal.
The training was attended by 45 local volunteers, as well as local police who deal with these issues frequently. The training was also broadcast via the local radio station, the Radio Rurale Locale de Ouèssè, to an audience of over 15,000 listeners in two local languages. This partnership was critical to the success of the initiative, as many trafficked children end up working in rural fields where the only news received through the local radio station. With the radio’s help we were able to reach many of the people living in these areas and we are hopeful that this will help decrease child trafficking in the area.
The training seminar was a success and sparked ideas for replicating the model on a wider level in the future. We’re excited about the possibilities and looking forward to doing more to combat trafficking as we move ahead.